Click the corresponding button if you want to know my base pricing of each:

How can I help you?Fill in the form below and I will get back to you in the email you provided.

Did you know, Hitori is partnered with Carrd? Click this link to try carrd out and enter the code HITORI to get a discount on premium!

My starting price for static(without animation) stream assets is at 10USD. Animated stream assets start at 40USD.If you want to ask more information. Please click the "Back" button to email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible with the email you have provided.

Stream Assets Samples


Static Overlays

Animated Overlays

Panels, Banner, etc.

Animated Alerts

Did you know, Hitori is partnered with Carrd? Click this link to try carrd out and enter the code HITORI to get a discount on premium!
Illustration Price


If you want to ask more information. Please click the "Back" button to email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible with the email you have provided.
Did you know, Hitori is partnered with Carrd? Click this link to try carrd out and enter the code HITORI to get a discount on premium!
Did you know, Hitori is partnered with Carrd? Click this link to try carrd out and enter the code HITORI to get a discount on premium!
Live2D Avatar for VTubing

THIS IS IMPORTANT:If you have yet to create your avatar and you do not have a reference sheet such as this:

Or even a simple front view drawing, feel free to let me know ahead so I can assist you in creating your character. This will help us visualize how many layers we would need to make for the hair, clothes, etc.You can also contact the original illustrator of this awesome character reference sheet here: [email protected]
If you want me to create your character sheet, feel free to click the back button below and send me an email. I will get back to you as soon as I am able!
Model (No Rig)

If you already have an illustration/character design done by someone and would like me to draw the model for you and make someone else do the animations/rigging, this is the pricing you will have to look at
These are base prices and it can go higher depending on the complexity of the model. File sent to you will be a .PSD.

🍀Shoulder Up - 125USD🍀Waist Up - 170USD🍀Full Body - 250USD+ 5-10USD/Expression
+ 30USD-50USD Additional Outfit/Accessories
Rigging Pricing

If you already have a .PDF file of your character that is already layered properly, the pricing are as follows.
Note that if you have more complex parts (like more than 10 parts for the hair, etc.) pricing can go higher.

🍀Shoulder Up - 150USD🍀Waist Up - 200USD🍀Full Body - 270USD+ 5-10USD/Expression
+ 30USD Mouth Forms
Model + Rig

Look into this pricing if you have no existing .PDF file of your model and you would like me to rig it as well.
These base prices can go higher depending on the complexity of the model

🍀Shoulder Up - 200USD🍀Waist Up - 250USD🍀Full Body - 320USD+ 5-10USD/Expression
+ 30USD Mouth Forms

More questions?

If you have absolutely NO CLUE on what you want your avatar to be, feel free to answer this.
VRoid Model
30USD starting price!